Näyttelymme hero englanti

Visit our exhibitions

Welcome to visit the exhibitions of the Police Museum!

You can come to the museum in Tampere or explore our online exhibitions.

A view of the Museum’s exhibition. The picture shows, among other things, the ‘Poliisi’ (the police) sign, weapons and a large black-and-white photo the wall, in which a man is climbing on the exterior wall of a house, one foot on the windowsill. Photo the Police Museum, Jarkko Järvinen.

Näyttelymme sisältö englanti

Permanent exhibition

The Police is Here! permanent exhibition provides information on the changing of police work with the help of crime and accident cases from different eras.

More information on the Police is Here! exhibition

Special exhibitions

Dive deeper into policing in our special changing exhibitions! The special exhibitions provide information on the various themes of police work.

More information on special exhibitions

Online exhibitions

The online exhibitions can be accessed from your computer even when the museum is closed.

Visit our online exhibitions

Previous exhibitions

These are exhibitions you can no longer visit, but you can still take a look at the themes we have touched on in our exhibitions through the years.

Information on our previous exhibitions

Tiesitkö Poliisilla kaksi museota infolaatikko englanti

Did you know?

The Finnish police have two museums: the Police Museum and the Crime Museum.

The Police Museum in Tampere is a museum for the whole family, open for all.

The Crime Museum in Vantaa is not open for the general public. The Crime Museum operates on the premises of the National Bureau of Investigation, but it is part of the Police Museum. Some objects from the Crime Museum are displayed for the general public in Police Museum exhibitions.

Only groups consisting of police stakeholders may visit the Crime Museum. Further information is available on the National Bureau of Investigation website.

Further information about the Crime Museum on the website of the National Bureau of Investigation