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Hinnasto sisältö englanti
Police Museum price list
Admission to the Police Museum is free. Parking within the parking space in front of the Museum is also free.
Guided tours, renting a meeting room, and information and image services are chargeable. You can find a price list on this site.
Familiarize yourself with our price list
You can pay using a bank card, credit card or in cash (exact change only). We recommend paying by card. Companies, associations and actors in the public administration can also pay by invoice.
Hinnasto opastushinnat sisältö englanti
Guided tour prices
- Schoolchildren and students Tue–Fri 10 a.m.–4 p.m.: EUR 30 (VAT included)
- Schoolchildren and students Tue–Fri 4 p.m.–6 p.m.: EUR 45 (VAT included)
- Other groups Tue–Fri 10 a.m.–4 p.m.: EUR 70 (VAT included)
- Other groups Tue–Fri 4 p.m.–6 p.m.: EUR 90 (VAT included)
Hinnasto kokoustilan vuokra sisältö englanti
Rental costs of the meeting room
The rent of the meeting room is EUR 37,65 / hour (including VAT).
Hinnasto tieto- ja kuvapalvelun hinnasto sisältö englanti
Information and image services price list
- Expert services: for example, information gathering: EUR 102,91 (VAT included)
- One-time license to use a photograph belonging to the Police Museum collections: EUR 70,00 (VAT included)
- One-time license to use a movie belonging to the Police Museum collections: EUR 210,00 / beginning minute (VAT included)
Hinnasto linkkilista oikea palsta englanti
See also
Meiltä voit ostaa Museokortin infolaatikko englanti
We sell Museum Cards
You can buy a new Museum Card from the Police Museum or extend the validity of your existing card. Entry to the Police Museum is free of charge.
You can pay the Museum Card with a bank or credit card.
More information about the Museum Card on the website