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Sijainti ja saapuminen sisältö englanti
Location and arrival
The Police Museum is located in Hervanta, Tampere. You can find us on map services at the address Vaajakatu 2, Tampere.
You can reach us by public transport using one of the many bus lines or the tram line. There is free parking in front of the museum for people arriving in their own cars or in coaches.
Getting here
We are located in Hervanta, adjacent to the Police University College, approximately eight kilometers south of central Tampere. Our street address is Vaajakatu 2.
The entrances of the Police Museum and the Police University College are in adjacent buildings. The museum building is the red building on the right, as seen from Vaajakatu.
Photo the Police Museum, Pia Penttilä
The museum building is located on the corner of Vaajakatu and Hervannan valtaväylä. If arriving by car, the museum can only be reached via Vaajakatu. Arriving via Hervannan valtaväylä, please follow the signs to the Police University College (Polamk). Arriving by foot or bicycle, you can also get to the museum via Hervannan valtaväylä.
Several bus services stop in Hervanta. The closest bus stops can be found on Tieteenkatu, Hervannan valtaväylä and Insinöörinkatu. The nearest bus stop is a couple of hundred meters by foot from the museum entrance.
You can travel to Hervanta from central Tampere by tram, too, for example from the stop by the Railway Station. In Hervanta, the tram stops closest to the Police Museum are ‘Opiskelija’ and ‘Hervantakeskus’. They are about 400 meters by foot from the Museum.
Public transport timetables and routes for the Tampere region
Free parking
Free parking is available in the parking area in front of the museum (between the museum building and Vaajakatu). The time limit for the parking area is two, four or eight hours, depending on the location. Please remember to indicate your parking time with a parking disc or some other method.
There are free parking spaces for coaches in front of the museum.
Please note that parking is only permitted in designated spaces and is otherwise prohibited in the area.
There is also a space reserved for visitors’ bicycles in front of the museum.
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See also
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Visit online
Our online exhibitions are open even when the museum is closed.
You can also take a virtual tour of the museum.