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Yhteystiedot ylempi sisältö englanti

Contact information

The Police Museum is located in the facilities of the Police University College in the district of Hervanta in Tampere. You can contact us by email, telephone, post or on social media.

Visiting address: Vaajakatu 2, FI-33720 Tampere, Finland

Postal address: PO BOX 123, FI-33721 Tampere, Finland

Telephone number: +358 (0)295 418 325

The call charge for telephone calls to the Police Museum is the standard fee – there are no additional charges. International call charges apply.

E-mail address: [email protected]

See also the page Police Museum on social media

You can find our invoicing address on section For service providers

Yhteystiedot henkilökuntamme sisältö englanti

Our staff

Lauri Haavisto
Museum director
tel. +358 295 483 280

Maritta Jokiniemi
Communications, museum pedagogy, guided tours
tel. +358 295 483 904

Panu Rissanen
tel. +358 295 483 903

Juha Vitikainen
tel. +358 295 483 061

Service and Communications Manager
Sari Mansikkamäki
Customer services, communications and marketing
On leave of absence, substitute: Pia Penttilä, tel. +358 295 483 012