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Whether your group consists of school or day-care children, hobby group members, family or friends, we have something to learn and something to experience for everyone.
Please inform us of your group’s visit in advance (tel. +358 295 418 325, [email protected]). This way, we can avoid overcrowding and make everyone’s museum visit more enjoyable. Sometimes we will also be able to be flexible with our opening hours and admit groups such as day-care field trips into the museum before doors are opened for general visitors.
We recommend reserving at least one hour for your visit. That way, you will have time to explore all the exhibitions.
We have free parking space for coaches in front of the museum.
Guided tours, conference rooms and catering
Guided tours can be booked in Finnish, but we will happily give English and Swedish-speaking groups of adults a brief introduction to the museum in their own language. These free-of-charge introductions need to be booked in advance. If your group has its own interpreter or, for example, the supervisor of your group can interpret the tour guide’s words, guided tours can also be given in other languages (subject to a fee).
Photo the Police Museum, Pia Penttilä
A free audio tour of the permanent exhibition is available. You can choose to listen to the whole tour or select only the parts you are most interested in. The total length of the audio tour is a little over an hour.
You can also book our group work space and hold a conference or training event at the museum.
The Police Museum does not have a café, but visitors may eat their own packed lunches at the entrance hall’s tables. You can also book coffee service in advance, which will be served in the museum by the Police University College’s restaurant Miekkaleijona. For more information about booking coffee service, please contact the museum (tel. +358 295 418 325, [email protected]).
Read more about guided tours and tour reservations
Read more about our group work space and how to book it
Tips for groups of children
In the Visiting the museum with children section, we give instructions for visiting school and day-care groups. There, you will also find instructions, such as how to prepare for a museum visit.
See our tips in the Visiting the museum with children section
Photo the Police Museum, Sami Hätönen
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See also
Jaa tunnelmat somessa yhteinen infolaatikko oikea palsta englanti
Share your experience on social media
You can take a photo of yourself in a police van or in the police’s old registration chair.
Don’t forget to share your museum experiences on social media using the tags #Poliisimuseo and @Poliisimuseo.